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Dry freight vans Leasing

Dry freight vans Leasing

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Seasonal payment periods: This is perfect for businesses where cash flow is seasonal like farms or golf courses. Here, you can design a payment cycle that matches your business’s seasonal revenue. A six month on, six month off payment schedule is most popular.

Fair market value: Defer a portion of your equipment’s purchase cost to the end of the lease, at which time you have the option of purchasing the equipment for fair market value or walking away altogether to finance new equipment with the latest upgrades.

Customize your payments to match your cash flow

Flexible buyout options: We’re nothing if not flexible. That’s why we offer a number of different buyout options, ranging from $1 all the way to a 50 per cent of your total equipment cost. And don’t let the word “leasing” fool you. You’ll own your equipment after buyout.

Step-up or step-down option: If you anticipate changing cash flow needs for your business, this option allows you to arrange payments that match your business’s varying revenue so you’re paying for your equipment when it’s making you money.

CWB National Leasing à Winnipeg

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  • Step 1: Go shopping Find the equipment you want at the equipment dealer of your choice. Make sure to record any identifying specifications and options that you want, along with an approximate cost.
  • Step 2: Complete your application Take five minutes to complete our online application. You can also apply through your local CWB National Leasing Account Manager by calling 1-888-620-8004.
  • Step 3: Have a chat with us We’ll give you a call to review the details of your application and some of the finance options available to you. We’ll then contact your equipment dealer to negotiate purchase of the equipment you want.
  • Step 4: Receive your equipment Upon approval of your lease and finalization of your documentation, we’ll contact your equipment dealer, notify them that payment is on its way and you’ll get your equipment.
  • Step 5: Repeat as required

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À propos de cet article

  • Seasonal payment options
  • Increase buying power
  • Potential tax savings
  • Get your equipment fast
  • Control your cash flow


Drive Your Business Success with Dry Freight Van Leasing from CWB National Leasing Enhancing Logistics and Delivery Services with Flexible Leasing Options For businesses involved in logistics, distribution, and delivery services, dry freight vans are crucial for transporting goods safely and efficiently. Leasing dry freight vans through Canadian Western Bank (CWB) National Leasing presents an effective and financially strategic option. Here’s how leasing dry freight vans can benefit your business operations: 1. Quick Access to Essential Equipment CWB National Leasing understands the urgency of keeping your operations moving. Their leasing process is designed for speed, typically approving applications and notifying your equipment dealer about the payment within 48 hours. This swift service means you can have your dry freight vans delivered and operational quickly, minimizing any disruptions to your logistics chain. 2. Enhanced Financial Capability Leasing dry freight vans with CWB National Leasing empowers your business with increased buying power. It allows you to conserve cash by opting for periodic payments over a significant upfront investment. This approach frees up capital for other essential business activities. Additionally, you can customize your vans with extra features or accessories for a minimal increase in payments. 3. Balanced Cash Flow Management The lease structure, with smaller payments over the term, enables your dry freight vans to start generating revenue for your business while they are being paid off. This balanced financial approach helps maintain a healthy expense-to-revenue ratio, vital for long-term business stability and growth. 4. Flexible Payment Plans CWB National Leasing offers various payment options, including seasonal, semi-annual, or annual plans, to align with your business’s revenue cycle. This flexibility is particularly advantageous for businesses with variable income, ensuring that payments are manageable and tailored to your financial situation. 5. Potential Tax Advantages Leasing dry freight vans can offer tax benefits, such as allowing you to expense lease payments rather than capitalizing the cost of the equipment. Consulting with a tax advisor can provide insights into how leasing can enhance your business’s tax position. Conclusion Opting to lease dry freight vans through CWB National Leasing is a strategic move that equips your business with essential transportation equipment while maintaining financial agility. It ensures access to the necessary vehicles for your logistics and delivery operations without the financial strain of a large initial investment, paving the way for operational efficiency, business expansion, and increased profitability.




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