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  • Toutes nos catégories
  • Construction
  • Marin
  • Sous-Marin
  • Équipement de processus
  • Transport
  • Reconditionnement de puits
  • Complétions de puits
  • Forage
  • Service Clients
  • Les partenaires

Sunkers Marine



À propos de l'entreprise

Sunkers Marine provides marine equipment to the global industry

Sunkers is your reliable partner for marine equipment. The benefit from our ability to solve your applications with matching measurement solutions; we offer a complete product, industry specific solutions and services for marine projects of any size.

Sunkers Marine can assist you in all your marine equipment needs. Our specialists are experienced in salvage, recovery, decommissioning, and even the installation of marine protection systems on gravity-based structures.

Innovative approach to subsea activities

Sunkers Marine is fully compliant with international safety standards and has an enviable reputation for delivering marine services of the highest standards of quality, business ethics and safety. Because offshore operation need excellent support.

The company is precise in planning and executions, our wide-ranging solutions cater to customers engaged in various stages of offshore projects surveys and production activities. As you would expect, safety, quality, environment and management standards has always been our core values.

Nos produits & services

Informations de contact

Numéro d'entreprise: 547108

Sunkers Marine

20 US Army Dockyard

St. Johns


Contactez Ballycatter
pour plus d'informations ou d'assistance

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