Marché industriel - Trouvez des fournisseurs d'équipements et de services
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  • Toutes nos catégories
  • Construction
  • Marin
  • Sous-Marin
  • Équipement de processus
  • Transport
  • Reconditionnement de puits
  • Complétions de puits
  • Forage
  • Service Clients
  • Les partenaires

Grid Dirt Construction



À propos de l'entreprise

Grid Dirt Construction

Grid Dirt Construction is locally owned and operated, and we have been in business since 2020 and we offering construction tools for when big civil engineering projects need big equipment, Grid Dirt Construction delivers the right tools for the job.

Our equipment is widely used for various industrial and construction situations: Oilfield, mining, quarry, road construction, reclamations, etc.

We are proud of the work we do with a variety of charity initiatives and professional organizations.

The company goal is to help our clients achieve their growth by using our advantages: good quality equipment, fast logistics, and high customer satisfaction.

Nos produits & services

Informations de contact

Numéro d'entreprise: 541032

Grid Dirt Construction

8012 Edgar Industrial Green

Red Deer


Contactez Ballycatter
pour plus d'informations ou d'assistance

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